What is your worship service like?
It’s a liturgical form. We confess our sins corporately, receive absolution, hear His word read and proclaimed, and offer our prayers of thanks, praise, and supplication. There are readings from the Old Testament, the Epistles, and the Gospel. One of the Creeds is always confessed. The Lord’s Prayer is always a part of Lutheran worship. And there’s music. Some of the liturgy is chanted responsively, and there are congregational hymns and choir anthems.
What about Communion?
Lutherans believe the body and blood of the Savior are truly present in the bread and wine. Jesus told His disciples, “This is my body, . . . This is my blood.” Baptized Christians who understand and share our faith are invited to commune. Children and non-communing adults are invited to come to the altar for a blessing.
Will I recognize any hymns?
Yes. Some hymns are common to other Protestant churches, and you will find them familiar. Others reflect the German Lutheran heritage and may be less familiar at first. Lutherans sing joyfully, full of praise for the God of our salvation.
What about children?
They are the future of the church. Of course they are welcome at worship services. Pastor always includes a special message for the children based on his message later in the service. Additionally, the children are invited to participate in the worship, and a cry room is also available for those just having a bad day. For example, younger children might collect prayer requests from the congregation as the offering is collected. Older children may serve as acolytes and crucifers. Youth activities are available for young children through university students.
Do I need to dress up?
Only if you wish. It’s more important that you come to worship the Lord. Some come casual, and some are comfortable with more dressy attire (jackets and ties for the men, for example). You won’t feel out of place regardless.
Do you have plenty of parking?
Yes. Parking is no problem. There are designated handicap accessible spaces for those who need them.
How do I become a member of Abiding Savior?
New members are always welcome. Please speak with the pastor.
How can I become involved?
That depends on your interests. How about choir? Do you play the organ? Could you help with financial management? Is facilities or grounds maintenance on your list? For the ladies, there is a very active Lutheran Women’s Missionary League. There are needs for ushers, greeters, and hosts for coffee fellowship after worship. Could you teach Sunday Church School or help with Vacation Bible School? Bible study groups help us grow in faith. In short, Abiding Savior affords the opportunity for everyone to serve the Lord as he or she is called.
Are you active in the community?
Yes. We support local initiatives such as the Anderson Interfaith Ministries food pantry and Clean Start, a resource and health center for the homeless, poor, and marginalized population of Anderson. We support a semiannual blood drive and Midnight Flight, a 5K and 10K race to benefit YMCA programs. Our Vacation Bible School has brought the love of Christ to many children outside our own congregation. We are open to additional ministries which are not in conflict with Scripture and the doctrine of The Lutheran Church — Missouri Synod.